

Thanks for your interest in my Live2D rigging commissions!

Preferably contact me via Twitter!


© AmyDesuVT. All rights reserved.



Live2D Parameters/PricingPrice
Full Body940 USD
Half Body840 USD
Animal ears & tail100 USD
Extra Outfit50 - $ 200 USD depending on complexity
Hairstyle extra30 - $ 200 USD depending on complexity
Animations$20 - $200 USD
Overage150 USD
Fix badly cut elements$10 - $100 USD
VBridger300 USD
Expressions5 - $150 USD
  • All models are delivered with all the physics.

  • There are 3 Free Sticker Expressions (blush, tears without animation, etc).

  • The animal ears react to emotions.

  • I take longer on Male Rigg as they are not my specialty.

  • Time delay is 1 month and a half to 3 months when you get your quota (can be extended if many changes are required or if my stack work needs more priority).

  • Preferably maintain a communication via discord to send previews for correction.

  • The first delivery of previews will be when the head is ready.

  • You have 3 post delivery arrangements.

  • The same day of the delivery it is preferable that you tell me all the bugs, then the free fixes will be discounted whatever the change is.

  • The more expressions you ask for, the longer the delivery time.

  • I need you to specify at the time of commissioning if you use web cam, cell phone camera (Android) or iPhone.

Terms of Service

  • Confidentiality regarding real names during and after the end of the commission.

  • The rigg character is yours, if someday you want to sell it you can do it, you don't have to ask my permission since it was paid for the work.

  • For the commercial license regarding products (t-shirts, mugs, etc) you must pay 80% of the total cost of the model.

  • The corresponding credits must be given both in presentation and social networks, for example: twitter, twitch, etc.

  • Once the first payment is sent, the work will begin.

  • Once the first payment has been made, you will have 3 days to request a refund and cancel the job.

  • I can cancel the job at any time and refund the money if for some reason I can not continue with the work.


  • The model can be used for commercial streaming/vtubing purposes.

  • Please also let me know if you have a deadline for the model, or if you are planning debut/subathon events that you expect to have the model finished for! I can accommodate these requests as long as you let me know in advance.

  • Once the model is reviewed and delivered to the client, you will have 2 weeks after its final delivered to request fix if you have found common errors.